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Matthew Barrie

Name: Matthew Barrie


Member Type: Certified Member


Location: In-person sessions available in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand 

& Globally via Skype.


Available for:     CTC Sessions


                         Access Bars Sessions & Classes

                         Post-CTC Coaching


Most of us are trying to heal the hard way.


Why trust others' authority when the only one who really knows what works for you is you. 


I facilitate major shifts for anyone ready to receive from their own knowing. With keen intuition and a layered approach to healing modalities I will help you uncover and release the underlying causes and energetic blockages that are keeping you stuck in the patterns of your life, physical, mental, emotional and interpersonal.


All blocks or dis-ease that we experience have their root in emotion. We are vibrational beings and we create our reality. Everything happens for us.  When you open up to the wisdom the Universe and your body is offering, things stop happening to you and start happening for you.


I am highly clairsentient, and with that intuition I am able to tap into the knowing of your subconscious and communicate with your higher self to find the emotional blocks that underlie all things. 



My sessions involve a layered approach to healing using a combination of Intuitive Emotional Release, Reiki, EFT, Timeline Therapy, Hypnosis, NLP, Crystals, Bio-resonance and Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy. 



You can't heal from a place of guilt, blame or judgement.

First you have to reclaim your power. And the first step is to realise it was never gone.



All session types available globally via Zoom or in person Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.




To learn more see: 

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