Joanne Antoun Founder and Trainer of CTC - Combined Therapy Cocktail™ has personally trained the registered practitioners listed below to meet or exceed the highest standards set by the IICTC and is available for personal CTC sessions also.
This Transformative 2 hour CTC –Combined Therapy Cocktail™ session is available with a:
Certified Master Therapist – Certified CTC Therapists have met Joanne's high training standards and are registered with the IICTC.
Clinical Master Therapist - Clinical CTC Therapists are registered and hold the highest level of membership and adhere to strong standards and ongoing requirements as set by the IICTC. Their membership is a display of their dedication to their field, the modality of CTC, their clients and their own personal and professional development. To maintain this level of membership requires annual supervision and professional development hours.
**All Therapists are available Globally for Skype Sessions**